The Evolutionary Dominatrix™ Academy is a one-of-a-kind, psychologically-based, high-level mentorship and certification program in the art of Conscious Female Domination with an emphasis in Submissive Psychology, featuring The Dominatrix Archetypes® Method.

⭐️ Accessible Online Worldwide ⭐️


If you are a professional or lifestyle domme, or aspire to be, we invite you to apply to The Evolutionary Dominatrix™ Academy! Please take a moment to thoughtfully complete the form below so we can learn more about you and determine if you are a good fit to join us in this one-of-a-kind, psychologically-based, comprehensive, high-level mentorship and certification program in the art and mastery of Conscious Female Domination. Some basic knowledge in BDSM or FemDom or D/s is required for acceptance.


Mistress Damiana Chi, Ph.D.

Legendary Dominatrix, BDSM Sexologist, FemDom Educator, Founder and Instructor of The Evolutionary Dominatrix™ Academy

Mistress Damiana Chi is a professional and lifestyle dominatrix who has held a full-time practice for 25 years. She holds a Ph.D. in clinical psychology, a M.A. in counseling psychology, B.A. in behavioral sciences, and is a certified sexologist, specializing in kink-centered coaching.

She is an educator who cares deeply about supporting the kink community at large, as well as educating the public about what BDSM really is - a profound, multi-level form of connection with the highest degree of trust that can exist between people.

Links to her various endeavors, like Conscious Kink Community and Lightworkers who play in the Dark podcast can be found on Connect with her on social media @DamianaChiPhD.

The Evolutionary Dominatrix™ Academy is a one-of-a-kind, psychologically-based, comprehensive, high-level mentorship and certification program in the art and mastery of Female Domination that features Mistress Damiana Chi’s signature psychologically-based methodology and personalized student feedback.  It imparts a comprehensive understanding and command of the use power exchange dynamics behind BDSM, as well as necessary physical skills and techniques.  Upon course completion, graduates earn the title of Certified Dominatrix.



Mastery of The Dominatrix Archetypes® Method: The 4-Part Framework for Holistic Domination –can be utilized in-person as well as online


2-hour weekly personalized mentorship Zoom calls with Mistress Damiana and her coaching team


Huge Library of Self-Study Online Course Content, containing lessons, domination demos, sub coach interviews, and much, much more


Student Domination Demos with critiques and feedback from Mistress Damiana and her team


Dominatrix Certification upon having met requirements

Student Testimonials

"To be perfectly honest, it has taken me months to write this review of the Academy because it is incredibly difficult to put into words the impact the Academy has had in my life over the course of the last year. Looking back on my experience with the Academy, I am filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude. I was honored to have been accepted into the Academy, and now having graduated - I hold that honor in higher reverence. 

Mistress Damiana holds an immense depth and breadth of knowledge, and the beautiful desire to share that knowledge. The thoughtful course structure created by Mistress Damiana provides a strong foundation to grow alongside each of the weekly coaching calls. She has taken an incredible amount of knowledge and has distilled it down in a way that is manageable and memorable, communicating both the craft and art form of becoming and growing as a Dominatrix. 

One of the most unique experiences of the Academy was the opportunity to learn from the sub coaches. The direct feedback was incredibly valuable - I am so grateful for the trust and vulnerability the subs extended throughout the entire course. This course would not be the same without their contributions.

The course also would not be the same without the amazing community that Mistress Damiana has curated. I felt so incredibly alone not only in my search for knowledge, but also in finding a space where I felt like I belonged and could show my true full self before I found the Academy. Mistress Damiana has created a beautiful space for community - for each of us to express ourselves and be vulnerable throughout our learning experience.

The Evolutionary Dominatrix Academy is ever-changing, ever-growing. Mistress Damiana continues to respond to the changing landscape of our world and the BDSM community with compassion, creativity, and hope. To have been accepted into her community is an honor, one that changed the course of my life in absolutely wonderful ways.

In short, I can’t recommend The Evolutionary Academy enough. You will get more than you bargained for, in the best way imaginable."

- Duchess Amanda LoreRein, Boulder, CO

"The Evolutionary Dominatrix Academy has been more than I could have ever imagined! Life changing!
Mistress Damiana Chi is phenomenal and brilliant. She is very knowledgeable in her craft with a true passion for it. Certainly, a legend in the industry! Her knowledge and transparency with the students brought so much to the table.

The sub coaches are the absolute best, you could not hand pick better ones. Everyone in the Academy shared so much valuable information and being so open brought so much knowledge, information, help, answers, and guidance.

 Without the Academy I don’t know that I would have had the confidence to put Myself out there to start advertising and taking on clients as a Professional Dominatrix. When I decided I wanted to go Pro I knew I needed help transforming Myself into the best Pro Dominatrix I could be as well as focusing on proper practice/training and safety. Verbal was always a bit lacking for Me and I was so happy to find that the Academy had sections solely focused on verbal skills and language. Through guidance from the Academy, putting together scenes and the flow of scenes became so much easier for Me instead of struggling with what to do or where to go next. My skills and arsenal grew tremendously and I found new love for things I may not have found without the Academy.

Whether the goal is Pro, Lifestyle or just Empowerment as a Woman, The Evolutionary Dominatrix Academy is a must!! It is not just a course to learn from, it is a FAMILY with so much support it will blow your mind!

With Love and Many Thanks!"

- Mistress Lizbeth St. Jade, Detroit Area, MI

"I have been graciously blessed with the knowledge that Mistress Damiana has passed along to her students in The Evolutionary Dominatrix Academy.

This course was top notch and every woman deserves to take it.  The Academy has helped me in so many aspects of both my personal and professional life.  It has helped me gain my confidence back, empower me in many ways and enrich my life.  I have never taken a class that was more fulfilling and so much fun.  Mistress Damiana is so passionate about the Dominatrix craft and a wonderful mentor to those going through their own Domme journey.  I am so proud to call her my “Domme Mother”.

The Chi Temple subs are world class, they are just as passionate in helping teach this craft.  It has been an honor for me to have learned  from the Chi Temple subs as well; they have a wealth of knowledge to share.

Mistress Damiana has created a wonderful community within her Academy.  I believe her calling is to leave a legacy of the true ethical and consensual Dominatrix craft and to teach the rest of the world about what BDSM is really all about while trying to make this world a better place for all.

My heartfelt gratitude to you always. 

With much love and virtual hugs,

- Domina Flora 🌺, SF Bay Area

"It is a year ago this month that I first enrolled in the Academy. I look back on my year and I am astounded at my growth and breadth of knowledge. I had been reading books and bumping into walls. I was finding numerous weekend workshops, but nothing that was ongoing. I was eagerly searching for a Mentor to help get me on my path to become a professional Dominatrix. I found Mistress Damiana’s program through another Domme that was currently enrolled. I immediately applied. Once I was accepted and had access to the Academy program, I was really impressed by information, and just how much was made available.

The program is everything that I ever wanted: The archetypes are broken down into easy to understand modules. The videos are excellent learning tools to help you further understand what each archetype looks like. There are practical skills videos as well. The modules take time to get through, but by the end of the course, it all comes together so neatly. I have a deep understanding of the psychology and the archetypes. I understand the psychology behind numerous kinks and fetishes and how to construct a scene based on the psychology behind it.

Mistress Damiana is a true mentor, coaching and guiding me to reach my full potential. Mistress Damiana’s leadership and personal guidance have shaped me and continue to help me grow into my potential. Mistress Damiana continues to coach and guide me on my professional endeavors, and cheer me along with my future success. She is an exemplary visionary, Mentor, and truly, a legendary Dominatrix.

I love and adore the sub coaches. They devote their minds and bodies to Mistress Damiana, her program and her mentees. Their constructive feedback is so very crucial to my development in the program. I continue to have wonderful personal relationships with all of them.

There is an incredible sisterhood within the Academy of beautiful, supportive and talented Dominatrices. We provide further support to each other in a non-competitive and truly helpful environment. Mistress Damiana ensures that there are other containers for support within the Academy that are available to students: support calls and other chat groups.

The Academy has played a crucial role in my development as a Dominatrix. I feel like I have received everything that I needed to be able to take the leap and become an independent professional Dominatrix. The course keeps growing, with more information being added weekly. There is no other course out there to prepare you for the psychology that you need to incorporate during sessions.”

– Mistress Natasha, Phoenix, AZ (pro domme)

“I was new to the world of BDSM and femdom when I came across the academy. I've got to say that without the academy I would be so much further behind in my journey in female domination this course has progressed my journey by years. I noticed the difference in myself and my confidence within one week of learning of the psychology of kink, bdsm, femdom and the submissive mindset. Mistress Damiana Chi's course is world-class, there is nothing as comprehensive and extensive as this program and it's not just the learnings from her it's also from the submissive coaches whos input was a huge part of my understanding and appreciation of femdom and kink. Everything that Mistress Damiana has put together in the academy will grow you as Dominatrix whether you are lifestyle or pro, whether your experienced in the scene or new everyone has something to learn in this incredibly interesting and engaging course. I was already very comfortable with my own sexuality and my power but coming away from this course I'm even more so. I have a place of belonging as well with a community of like-minded people. Thank you Mistress for offering this incredible course and changing my life and the lives of others.”

– Mistress Monique, Victoria, Australia (lifestyle domme)

“Mistress Damiana's Academy really stood out to Me originally when She wasn't yet teaching online. I loved the psychological aspect She was teaching and the Archetypes She teaches really set Her academy apart from the rest. So I was THRILLED when I found her academy finally online and when I signed up, I had no idea how much of an impact it would have on Me.

I have a degree in Psychotherapy in NZ and have done various online courses prior to Mistress Damianas Academy and I have no hesitation in saying this is world class. The care She has for Her Dommes is really felt - and honestly initially surprised Me. She is very passionate about what She does and it shines through in every class, consistently and professionally.

Mistress Damianas critiquing is done so compassionately and in the most encouraging way. I have never received feedback in such a positive way - and I felt for the first time in My life OK to make mistakes. Along with the sub coaches' input, all whom have very differing kinks and backgrounds offering a wealth of knowledge , it gave My learnings and understanding such a richness..... in what felt like '5D'.

The most unexpected transformation I have experienced during My learnings has been fully embodying the four Archetypes that make a great Dominatrix as part of Me as a whole. It has been THE most empowering thing I have ever done.

The thoughtfulness, the care and the compassion from Mistress Damiana is something I will cherish as Her Mentee. Thank you, Mistress Damiana, I cannot express how You, Your sub coaches and Your Academy has changed My life ❤️”

– Goddess Xiah, New Zealand (pro domme)